29 November – 1 December 2017

International Conference in Versailles.
The results derived from the development of the CHANGES work package 5, concerning the implementation of maintenance systems and the investigation on efficacy of maintenance practices in the Italian context, were partly presented within the International Conference “Preventive Conservation in Historic Houses and Palace-Museums: Assessment Methodologies and Applications“. The conference was organized by Le Réseau des Résidences Royales Européennes et le Château de Versailles and was held at the Palace of Versailles from 29 November to 1 December 2017. Specifically the contribution presented by Rossella Moioli, in the presence of Eleonora Rosso from the associate partner Navarra Gestioni (Na.Gest), was related to the preventive conservation strategies adopted in the Royal Villa of Monza.


09-12 October 2017

Halland Meeting.
Visit to the Halland Region in Sweden, in order to analyze the long term effects of the Halland Model. The project, which resulted from the crisis that afflicted Sweden during the 1990s and from the consequent unemployment, puts into practice an approach based on the restoration of historic buildings as a way to foster labor market, inclusiveness, sustainability, innovation, regional growth, competitiveness and building conservation development.
The meeting also represented a working session for the elaboration of the CHANGES work packages 6 (economic analysis of costs and benefits of preventive conservation practices) and 7 (analysis of economic and societal impacts and externalities of valorisation strategies including conservation activities), aimed at eleborating the data gathered by each partner involved in the previous steps.


20-21 February 2017

Heritage Parade 2017.
The JPI CH – Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change, that is the programme supporting the CHANGES Project, organized the “Joint programming initiative on cultural heritage workshop: funded research projects parade“, which was held on 20-21 February 2017 at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, Parc du Cinquantenaire, in Brussels, Belgium.
The aim of the Parade was to provide more visibility on JPI-CH activities and give a new impetus to cultural heritage dedicated research, by presenting most recent results.


06-08 February 2017

International Conference in Leuven.
Within CHANGES Project, the 2017 Thematic Week of the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation promoted the International Conference on “Innovative built heritage models and preventive conservation“, which was held on 6-8 February 2017 at Arenberg Castle in Leuven, Belgium.


24-27 May 2016

Milano Meeting.
First discussion about the investigation on efficiency of maintenance practice in Italy, in order to implement maintenance system.
During working days, site visits to historical buildings, that constitute the case studies of the Valtellina Cultural District and the Monza and Brianza Cultural District, were executed. Moreover, some meetings with local stakeholders were organized.


26 May 2016

International Conference in Monza.
International Conference “Cultural heritage management: conservation and valorisation in an integrated perspective“, held at Villa Reale in Monza. The event represented a relevant occasion in terms of knowledge related to conservation and management of Built Cultural Heritage.
During the morning session, dedicated to the topic “Preventive and planned conservation: tools for heritage conservation“, partners of CHANGES Project presented to the public their previous experiences and the first results of the activities.
During the afternoon session, academics and directors from some important European Residences, such as Schloss Schönbrunn, Chateau de Versailles, Reggia di Caserta, Reggia di Venaria Reale, Palazzo Reale di Genova, discussed the theme “Preventive and planned conservation: management strategies” in a Round Table.


11-13 January 2016

Delft Meeting.
Second discussion on conceptualized previous experiences contributed by partners, as well as on shared methodologies for following research activities.


23-25 September 2015

Visby Meeting.
Discussion on conceptualized previous experiences contributed by partners, as well as on shared methodologies for following research activities.


07 July 2015

Kickoff Meeting.
Kickoff meeting, held in Milano, and realization of a web exchange platform working.



  • Della Torre Stefano (2015), Shaping Tools for Built Heritage Conservation: from Architectural Design to Program and Management. Learning from “Distretti Culturali”. In Van Balen Koenraad, Vandesande Aziliz (eds.), Community involvement in heritage. Antwerp: Garant, pp. 93-101.   ⇓⇓⇓
  • Gustafsson Christer (2011), The Halland Model. A Trading Zone for Building Conservation in Concert with Labour Market Policy and the Construction Industry, Aiming at Regional Sustainable Development. University of Gothenburg.   ⇓⇓⇓
  • Van Balen Koenraad (2015), Preventive conservation of historic buildings. In International Journal for Restoration of Buildings and Monuments.   ⇓⇓⇓
  • Van Hees Rob, Naldini Silvia, Nijland Timo (2015), The importance of a Monumentenwacht system. The situation in North-Brabant. Delft: Delft University of Technology, TNO.   ⇓⇓⇓